Road Safety Solutions

Fleet Monitoring

Coaching Programme
Clients Served
Drivers Coached
Behaviours Identified Daily
Active Devices
What We Do
How We Do It
What We Use
Many Fleet Operators have Implemented Management StrategiesDesigned To Minimise Losses
Fleets require huge capital expenditure, so the emphasis in most fleet management programmes is focused on protecting one’s capital investment. Yet research shows that vehicle faults and road conditions cause only a small portion of all road accidents and that human error is, in fact, the overwhelming cause of most of the carnage on our roads.
Most fleet operators employ some form of management to contain their losses. Still, few do so in an integrated manner that enables them to effectively address the single most destructive element on our roads: bad driver behaviour.
By not implementing effective, sustainable driver behaviour management programmes, bad behaviours are not identified properly, undesirable habits are ignored, and the same types of accidents occur repeatedly. In addition, bad driver behaviour drives up fuel and maintenance costs and leads to fraudulent accident claims as well as reputational damage.

Leading Causes of Collisions
Build Your Safety Network
Superior Technology

Transforming Data Into Priorities & Solutions
Driver Coaching
The Optix Solution
Safer Driving, Fewer Collisions